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Below are a few writings and translations I've done in the past few years.

Translating is a time-consuming process that require strenuous effort and discipline in order to authentically communicate the original author's ideas in a new language. A translation typically requires a few phases of labor in order to ensure a higher quality of the work. Besides the published works, the rest should be considered as first phase "raw translation" that needs further refinement in terminology and grammar structure, with possible bias in interpretation. Anyhow, still, I hope you may enjoy these writings and translations, or receive some benefits from them rather than coming out more confused.

Please contact me if you have any question or comment for these works, I will be more than happy to respond to you.

Published Work​

Published Reviews
For Laypeople
  • Give Me Back the True Image of Chinese Medicine! 
    When I first read this passionate article, authored by Professor Gan Zuwang who passed away in 2015, I was completely stunned. I then spent five sleepless nights racing to translate this article and shared with my colleagues. Although I do not completely agree everything written, this article asks the crucial question of "What is Chinese Medicine?" For all practitioners and patients of Chinese Medicine alike, this is an article worth reading.
  • The Perfection of Health in Chinese Medicine
    This is a presentation given at an IBAA Buddhist study circle - which discusses the definition of health and the ultimate state of health in Chinese Medicine.
  • Top Ten Misconceptions in Chinese Medicine (Part 1)
    This is a quick run-down list I wrote in spring 2017 and shared with my colleagues after browsing through their websites. In this list, I outlined out a few myths that should be explained in details besides making a simple claim. I also listed out a few false claims that customers should be aware about.
Classical Theories
  • A Chinese Medical Convention
    This short article by Professor Xiao Xiangru concisely goes over the various great Chinese medical lineages as well as influential medical thinkers. 

  • Mutual Treatment of the Zang-Fu Organs/Channels
    This is a translation for a medical essay dated in the late 19th century, which explains a deep pathway connection between Zang-Fu organs/channels. This provides a framework that can explain why Taiyang formulas work for Lung disease, why GB formula treats HT Shen disease, and why Master Tung points work. This can also serve as a basis to further explore the application of divergent channels.

  • Shao Yang Disease
    This is a research project I did a few years ago as a clinic intern at MUIH. This explores what Shao Yang disease is about, the "harmonizing" strategy, the process of latency, and the clinical application of Chai Hu and Shu-stream point.

Chinese Herb
  • Common Adulteration of Chinese Herbs
    This was a quick translation I did while researching the herb processing. It was done in one night so the quality may not be best. In addition, this may not contain completely accurate information as the original text contains no citation nor supporting evidences. Nevertheless, it still contains crucial information that may concern those who practice Chinese herbal medicine.

  • Discourse on Ren Shen
    This is a must-read essay authored by Xu Lingtai in the 18th century, regarding the functions, properties, contraindication, and ethic of utilizing Ren Shen (ginseng).

  • My Dream of Apprenticing with Zhang Zhongjing
    This is a great, passionate, contemporary article authored by Professor Huang Huang, which contains his unique approach for Shang Han Lun formulas.

  • Preface of Shang Han Lun
    This is the preface of Shang Han Lun, allegedly written by Zhang Zhongjing and Wang Shuhe in the 3rd century. I am surprised to find that it is not more well-known in our profession. This should speak of why we practice herbal medicine at all. All Chinese herbalists must read this.

  • Ten Suggestions for Reading Shang Han Lun
    This is a timeless essay authored by Chen Xiuyuan in the 18th century, which suggests how and why we should study Shang Han Lun as Chinese herbalists.

  • The Classical Formulas for Spring Stagnation
    This is a short essay by Professor Huang Huang that discusses the spring seasonal disorders and their general treatment strategies.

  • Tobacco in Materia Medica
    This is a short entry that notes tobacco's functions, properties, and history, found in Zhang Jingyue's Materia Medica in the 17th century. I use it quite often whenever there is a patient discussion of "should I quit smoking?" It allows me to examine the underlying motivation(s) for the patient to smoke & view all substances with a more objective view.

  • Additional GB Thoracic Points found in the Arcane Essentials
    With its massive 40 volumes, 1100 sections, and 6000 formulas, Wai Tai Mi Yao (Arcane Essentials of the Imperial Library) is an extensive compilation of medical texts before 750 AD. In this work, there are 7 additional thoracic points listed in the GB channel. From my limited research, these are are not found in its contemporary medical literature, nor are they mentioned anywhere in the modern literature. Here I simply present the passages found in the source text, and hopefully someone can take this research further, as to the questions: can we find them anywhere else, why did these points disappear, or did their mere presence indicate something more important than their locations and empirical functions?

  • LR-13 Zhang Men
    This is a compilation of the emails I wrote to my classmates when they questioned about the translation of LR-13 Zhang Men and the research I did for a class assignment. This contains the character analysis of the name of LR-13, speculation about its functions based on the character study, speculation about its connection with PC-1, and a brief view of how point assignment changed throughout the ages.

  • Sun Simiao's Ghost Treatments
    While the 13 ghost points are well-known by our profession, there are more to it. This is a translation of all Sun Simiao's writings that concern ghost treatments.

  • The Lost Lineage of Acupuncture & Moxibustion
    This essay discusses what have been lost in the acupuncture lineages in the 18th century. is the essay that made me a fan of Xu Lingtai's writings and encouraged me to study the classical writings. In some way, this also inspires me to translate - as a mean to propagate and preserve the ancient medical knowledge that is sorely needed in our profession here in the West.

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